The primary focus of our agency is consumer studies, but at least 20% of our workload consists of the most typical tasks of marketing research, both quantitative and qualitative, performed for marketing departments. Among them:
— F2F CLT for packaging testing, pricing studies, designs, naming, and other stimuli
— Street surveys. Online surveys
— Mall and retail location surveys
— CATI for branding and customer research
A common method is to employ the combinatorial approach where qualitative research is followed by a quantitative study. At the qualitative stage, we formulate or refine the customer’s initial hypotheses regarding the objective (e.g., “our brand is perceived as being audience X-oriented”), identify previous customer experience, insights, and emotions of consumers. Secondly, at the quantitative stage, we obtain statistical data to confirm or refute the prevalence of such hypotheses or insights among the target audience.
We have the capacity to hold up to 200 interviews daily in Moscow and up to 500 interviews daily across Russia.
Contact us to find out what basic and advanced analytics we employ in our reports and how we address the business objectives of our customers.